We are dependent on the tireless work of our team of volunteers who help us raise awareness, plan and execute fund raising events or work as a team to provide empathic services in a safe space. You may contribute useful resources and ideas to support local events or even raise awareness. Whether it be helping us organizing coffee klatches in your homes to share the mission and vision of AWAKE or helping us at events, your time is greatly appreciated. Whatever your background, age or personal or professional experience, your support is valuable and welcome.Let’s build and facilitate a community of like-minded people who respect women and children as equals.
Together we can build a bigger and better team. You can be the change !
Girls Scouts
We have an active collaboration with Girl Scouts. In 2019 we have supported Sachi Javeri, a Girl Scouts in achieving her Silver Awards Project. She has helped us build our digital presence via our website and Facebook.

We are proud of our students that volunteer their time at our events. These students have contributed their time in event managements.